Romanticize your life
The idea of romanticising your life may sound a bit cheesy at first, but honestly putting in a bit of extra effort into little daily habits and shifting your attitude towards otherwise mundane things truly does give everyday life that bit of magic we all need.
Adding a bit of sparkle to your everyday life will put you into a an overall better mood and enjoy life more.
I personally love romanticising my life, and truly believe that simple little changes can make all the difference.
Making ordinary life a bit less dull doesn’t take too much effort and I would like to share with you some simple ideas on how to romanticise your life.
Notice the little things
Being able to romanticise your life is much easier if you are aware of the small things and become receptive of things such a lovely breeze of fresh air coming though the window, the delicious smell of freshly brewed coffee, some beautiful flowers on the side of the road etc. There are so many little pleasant aspects of life which we usually overlook and once we learn to see them, our everyday life becomes a bit less dull.
Do things on your own
Don’t be afraid to do things on your own. If you feel like going to a concert but have no one to go with just go on your own. If you wanna go on the trip, but don’t have a travel companion go on the trip anyway. If you keep on waiting for the perfect circumstances in life you will miss out on a lot. Doing things on your own and for your own happiness plays an important part in romanticising your life. After all, you are the main character in your story, and it better be a good one so don’t miss out on experiences simply because you are too afraid of having them on your own. Additionally it is important to mention that ever so often when I have done things on my own which brought me happiness I ended up meeting amazing, like minded people and ended up having someone to share the experience with after all.
Buy yourself flowers
Whether you buy yourself flowers, chocolates or some nice lingerie-occasionally treating yourself can be a nice way of romanticising your life. Don’t wait for someone else to surprise you with a little treat, but treat yourself. You deserve.
Do something you love every day
Doing at least one thing you enjoy daily will give that extra sparkle to your life. Wether this means attending a dance class, painting, playing music or cooking yourself a nice meal or simply getting your favourite coffee from your favourite cafe in the morning- the point is that you set some time aside daily to do something which you truly enjoy.
Take yourself on a date
Don’t wait for someone else to take you on a date. Get dressed up and take yourself to your favourite Cafe, restaurant or head on a cute little summer picnic in the park with some fresh sparkly drinks and delicious snacks. We can spend our whole lives waiting for the right person or special occasions. Romanticising your lives means taking permission to do to these nice little things and celebrate life without needing a reason.
Be brave and take risks
Life instantly becomes more romantic when you take some risks. Is there something you’ve always longed to do ? A place you’ve always wanted to go? A hobby or career you’ve always wanted to try? Well, simply just go for it. Life is short and if you long to live a more vibrant, exciting and romantic life you have to at least try yourself at doing the things which you feel a calling for.
Practice gratitude
Being grateful for the things you already have plays an important role in romanticising your life. Make a list of the things you appreciate in your life. Ever so often we forget the things we already have and appreciate so writing down what we are grateful for is an important practice which helps us appreciating the little things and finding joy in the present moment. Practising gratitude will make you feel happier about the life you are living and make you feel more romantic about your life and everything you already have.
I hope these ideas of how to romanticise your life have inspired you to also add a bit of sparkle and romanisation to your every day life, because why not romanticise our lives and add a little bit of fun and sparkle to everything ?